CANDIDA NICHOLScostume design for stage & film

by Arthur Miller
Directed by Rubén Polendo
2017 Brooklyn, NY @ BAM
2017 Cairo, Egypt @ The Cairo Opera House
2017 Santiago, Chile @ Teatro DUOC UC
2011 Abu Dhabi, UAE @ NYU Abu Dhabi
2010 Provo UT, USA @ BYU
2008 New York City @ 92Y
Costume Design: Candida Nichols
Lighting Design: Kate Ashton
Mask Design: Lori Peterman
Original Music: Adam Westfall
Object Design: Scott Sphar
Set Design: Rubén Polendo/Kate Ashton
Sound Design: Alex Hawthorn
Photos: Candida Nichols & Alex Hawthorn (BAM)
"Theatre Mitu transforms Death of a Salesman into a spectacular avant-garde production....Supporting the production is a brilliant team, including costume designer Candida K. Nichols, who dresses Willy in an oversized suit with chalked on pinstripes, making Willy appear as diminished as he feels, and as fake as his son Biff knows him to be."
-Maria Paz Alegre, Theater is Easy -